Growth Mindset

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Today I am talking about Growth Mindset. I recently watched a Ted Talk by a women named Carol Dweck talking about growth mindset in child. Although i have not heard about Carol herself i have heard of growth mindset. I have learned it though my parent who used to always give out to be about having a fixed mindset about my intelligence and explained to me how no one is born smart its all about the work you put in. 
On the scale of growth fixed mindset I am more towards the fixed with my school work, I do like challenges and like figuring out what to do but I tend to be in the mindset of "I can't." a lot more than I would like to admit. 

In this semester I am looking forward to learning about the growth mindset I think it will be interesting to learn more in dept how to keep that positive mindset. I am trying to be more towards being non fixed sometimes its easy to get stuck in that hole of thinking "oh i have to put in so much effort I'm obviously not good enough for this I am too stupid".

My personal learning goal's for this semester is to have better results than last years grades. I want to impress myself I want to show that I am good at this course and show others that. I'm really excited for nearly all my modules this semester except for Digital Video Techniques - the thought of doing that scares me because I'm already in the I can't mindset, I know in our class their is some people extremely talented which makes me dread the thought of showing my video compared to theirs. But I guess if I change my mindset maybe I'll get a better grade than expected? We'll see I guess :) 
