
Hello again!  

Today I will be talking about my Game Design Document. Before I started writing my blog, I went onto a recommended site by Shaun called ‘’. This website helps you build the basic game design document. Although there are still a few terms I don’t understand I did fill out quite a good portion of it. From my previous reading of GDD one thing that has stayed in my mind was the shapes and colours which I have really focused on when choosing my ideal designs in this document. It’s has also helped me gather my thoughts for this game. But for now, I’m going to talk about my game design document on this blog. The tutorial I am planning on using are 

How to create a character

How to create a platform game

How to create a background

Firstly, I am going to talk about the story. What is the game story behind my idea?  
My game takes place in the point of view of a college student who is (like every student) running from potential failure. The opening of the game will open with a female getting up for college. The gameplay is a single player game. The gameplay will be a student a student who is avoiding their responsibilities by avoiding different obstacles such as assignments, relationships, social life, working and so on. But there will also be bonus if the college student can collect a certain number of dots, they will collect a "9 hours sleep" "Submitted assignment on time". The connection is most people playing will be college students procrastinating. The challenges will include trying to successfully graduate from their degree. The game will be blocky animation. Every certain amount the player has ran the setting will change. Example: Opening scene a bedroom/dorm avoiding clothes/work/dirt. The second being the college campus avoiding students/lectures/work/spending money on energy drinks. The third being a bar avoiding black out drunk/getting sick. But in each scene having bonuses like bedroom: eating breakfast, waking up on time. College: Going to lecture/making friends/doing work in free time. Bar: Meeting someone new/dancing/laughing. The feel I want for this game is what it feels in real life... A lot of stressful moments but also the best feel good moments too. 

Next was my characters. Who are they? What do they do? 
The characters in this game are of course a college student. I’ve decided to choose a girl for the game. My characters story is she is running from a monster (failure). While she is running, she must avoid different obstacles in different circumstances. For example, waking up late for college, submitting assignments late. Things that do happen college students all the time. But my character who we are going to call “Laura” will also have a chance to get bonuses. Like collecting different achievements as I have mentioned above. My character will be designed to look normal- hair down, a pair of jeans and a jumper with her bag.  But ideally I would like to get my game where you collect a certain amount of things and can change the outfit to fit the different scenes so for example Laura will wear pjs at the very start of the game but will have an option to wear jeans for the second round or a dress for the third.  

The environment.  
The environment my game takes place is in a few different places, but all places college students go. For example, a bedroom when they wake up, the college campus and then a bar/nightclub. The environment I want off this game is for it to be realistic. I want this game to feel relatable. I want my character Laura to be places where people can relate to. The environment for me I think is a very important part to my game as if the environment is not corrected or displayed correctly it could be difficult to understand the purpose of the game.   

Art Description.  
Art Description. The one I have dreaded most. I am not great at art and am nowhere near an artist, so this is difficult for me to write about. But I hope this is correct. My plan for the art of this game is basic shapes enough to know what they are but not much detail in the objects. I have decided this because of a recent article I have read about not over cluttering. Which has stuck in my head for some reason. I want my game to be clutter free just clean and simple to use. The colour scheme I have been looking to use vary considering I would like to design three different scenes. So, for this I will talk though each of the ‘rooms’ and their colours I would like to use.  
a potential colour scheme

The Bedroom: 
I would like to use creams and light pastels for this colour pallet. For example, cream for the background with a few objects in pastel colours. But for the object that must be collected will be in gold.  


The College Campus: 
I would like for the background to be red brick or white. I feel like almost every college has a red or grey brick exterior, so I feel it’s only right to keep it traditional theme. Again, the object to be collected will stay gold.  

The Bar:  
This scene will be dark colours. With purples and reds coming from a spotlight. Again, falling the traditional colour themes making it easier for players to know by colours alone that the setting is where it is. 


Next is sound. Now again this is where I am at a block. 
I’ve thought about this a lot and decided to go with the classical game soundtrack of just an instrumental song repeating. But a song that makes you keep playing. From looking online, I found a song that would be perfect for my game by a YouTube channel named King Evan I really like this soundtrack as it was fun and catchy. The song sounds like a song that keeps wanting you to beat your high score. I also want to add a little silly noise like *bop bop* to every time the player collects and achievement. Again, I want a noise that goes *ahh* when the player loses the game and then another when they have got a new score with trumpets 

For the user guide and controls I am going to talk about firstly how to play the game.  In order to play the game (if for iPhone) you must keep swiping upwards to move forward and swipe left or right to avoid or collect objects. In order to jump over obstacles, you must double tap and swipe.  

For a computer I will have the controls only using the arrows on the keyboard. Such as moving forward (^). For moving left or right (<)(>). For jumping (^^) a double hit on the upper arrow.  


Other resources  
