Game Vision Statement

This is simlar to what I imagine

 Hi again!
Today I will be talking about my project idea- A platform game. 
In this game it will follow a life of a college student trying to avoid all of what life throws at them- from a ton of assignments, drinks with friends,getting blackout drunk,meeting a toxic person,falling behind in college, working. The gameplay will include a character (female college student) going to college and juggling all of what life has to offer. In order to win the game she will have to avoid all the things mentioned above but there will be bonus that will give her extra speed like- protein shakes,dinners,9 hours sleep, payday etc. The game will take place on a campus/bar/bus.
The resources required for this are- UNITY and an UNDERSTANDING for it. Coding. While researching resources I found this link to unity that explains how to make a platform game  ( ).  
But for now thats all I have :) 


  1. Hi Jen
    I love this idea especially the comedic element such as the 9 hours of sleep for a power up or avoiding toxic people as I personally feel all games now days have a comedic element to them. I also like how you are focusing on a game that targets college students and people who have finished college, giving this product a market to appeal to from a selling point of view also. Looking forward to seeing how this progresses and good luck.


  2. Hi Jen really good idea for your game, I'm also making a platformer game.
    It's a very unique idea to have them trying to avoid what we all try too lol such as assignments and getting too drunk haha. Its a very good idea and it can also teach people to try get the necessities such as a good sleep, water etc! Good idea good luck with it

  3. Well a good day to you Jennifer.

    So i have had a look through your game concept vision that you have presented here and I must say that the concept of this game is a very interesting wow concept that is given with an idea that would be very relatable to a lot of people as it is a great way to emphasise the concept that is to show what many go through in college (a good portion) and of the social life (what social life) during that period which is a really interesting way to explain the intricacies of college life.

    If I had to ask one question to this situation and stop me if it's a bit too overboard, it would be the idea of what would the level of concept of "toxic Boyfriend" would it stoop to exactly, because it may a safe level or a level of no return.

    And to just add a What If situation to this, may I suggest with this being a plat-former that is based on college that you have like a bonus game or area where it would be the emphasis of getting a sudden amount of college assignments done in an allowed time or getting to a lecture or lab in time, or for the social life that there is the likes of a tap the button drink the most game or something to make it like an unique minima of some kind.

    All in all, I do say that you have come up with a really good game concept here and that I do look forward to seeing how it all turns outs.


  4. Hi Jennifer,

    I think that's a really good concept for a game! Refreshingly original and witty. You'd have a large target audience too.

    I can actually imagine some of the levels, like a nightclub level, one in a library, cafeteria etc.

    I reckon you're onto a winner there! Hope it goes well for you, and I'm looking forward to playing.

    - Ultan

  5. Hi Jen,

    I am absolutely loving your blog so far!

    I like how you have exampled your thoughts behind your game, I would defiantly buy that! I think the game would be very popular as it is so relevant to all college students.

    What do you mean when you say about the protein powder for a level up? Do you mean like giving the character an extra life?

    Also would you consider maybe having it at home as well as college life? Its just I think even though we spend a lot of time in college, we also spend time at home.

    Really looking forward to seeing the outcome and playing the final product! :)


  6. Hi Jen,

    I really like your game idea. I've always loved platform games but this one sounds especially entertaining. The comedic side to it plus the fact that it relates to all our lives at the moment is great. I would definitely give this game a go. I'm really looking forward to seeing it!! Can't wait to read more of your posts.



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