Games GDD

Hello again!

Today I am talking about my most recent reading Games GDD. Firstly what is ‘Games GDD’ well it’s an abbreviation of ‘Games Design Document’. I enjoyed reading this reading this week it was really interesting especially about the colour schemes of things such as people being colour blind so trying to avoid using different colours together. 

I found one of the paragraphs interesting it was called ‘use shape as well as colour to distinguish pieces’. I found it really interesting that a lot of the population have trouble distinguishing different colours. But if the game designer(us) add different shapes or graphics this can help many people hugely even people who don’t have colourblindness. 
Games that were given an example of was Trans-America a board game about a railway. This used a number of different colours and shapes. 

Another interesting part of this article was ‘avoid clutter’. This concept is a bit harder to understand. What is clutter?  Well the general idea is for you not to over crowd too much visual information into a small area. For example a game used as an example was dungeon crawl game. Your tiles may be detailed with decorative creatures but this doesn’t interfere with the important information the tiles contain. If you can’t tell a tile has the exit option because there’s all sorts of decorative features all over it then what’s the point of it? 

Lastly I will talk about the rules. There is many rules to every game but have you ever sat there and tried to make up rules and implement them? Rules are infect the most difficult thing to get right in a game. 

A few good things to do when creating rules for your game are:
  • Do not write games rules to be vague 
  • Include many examples
  • are player's holdings private or public? 
  • Are money/victory points public or private
  • When exactly is the game finished 

Thanks for reading :)


  1. Hi Jennifer,

    I really like your blog, I like how you listed good things to do for creating rules, it's a nice touch ! I also agree the stuff about the colour scheme and colourblind folk is really interesting. I do have one complain, although minor, you didn't link the additional readings, I know it's not a requirement but it would help as I don't remember those additional readings at all and they sound interesting!

    Anyway, can't wait to read your blog again in the future !

    Sarah H


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