Week 9 Progress

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Hello again! 
Looking back over the last few weeks I am happy with my progress so far. I think I have done extremely well keeping up with a weekly routine- I haven't really followed my original progress chart but instead do 4 hours on a tuesday, 2 hours on a wednesday and complete the rest on saturdays or friday depending on my work schedule. I haven't had a chance to use the extra credit options I think I have used it once. 

Looking forward I wouldn't change anything. The only thing I want to do is try more extra credit but again the previous reasoning I did not do extra credit is the lack of time I have. 


  1. Hi Jen,

    Yeah, the extra credit is something that I thought I would take advantage of a lot more, but sometimes getting the work I actually need to do uploaded is a miracle and a victory. But you probably don't even need the extra credits. It sounds like you've managed to stay on top of everything so far, so hopefully your grade will reflect that.

    - Ultan


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